
Patricia Cumper, Director of Jab Molassie (right) and Caroline Taylor, Assistant Director. Photo: Maria Nunes, Trinidad 2015

Caroline Taylor Medea 2002 7

Caroline Taylor, (New York International Fringe Festival, USA, 2006). Photo: Dixie Sheridan
Caroline Taylor and David Stephens as the Thénardiers. Les Misérables, Trinidad 2014

Cast of "Party Done..." (2015, Trinidad): Cecilia Salazar, Arnold Goindhan, Kevon Brooks, Trevon Jugmohan, Raymond Choo Kong and Caroline Taylor
Nigel Auguste, Caroline Taylor and Leslie Ann Lavine in "Girls on the Side" (Trinidad, 2011). Photo: David Wears

One of the most difficult questions for me to answer is: “What do you do?”  Probably the most succinct answer is: “I tell stories.” On the page, on the stage, on screen, in song. Many stories, across many disciplines.

I’m (mainly) an editor, writer, and performer — a dual T&T and British citizen, born and based in Trinidad, with deep roots in the United Kingdom, and an abiding love for storytelling. This site collects some moments from the journey; I hope they collectively tell their own story.

So thanks for passing through — feel free to connect, start a conversation, or hatch a plan to tell stories together!